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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

Toyota Company headquarters visit Group company Further accelerate the cooperation of both parties

       In 17th July, the responsible people from the purchasing department of Toyota company headquarters came to visit the production site in Group company. The director of transmission chain business division and relative technology responsible staff  together participated in the visit reception..      During the discussion between two parties, each party exchanged their own company development condition. Then, Donghua staff introduced the leaf chains research and manufacturing development in the past years to the Toyota Company, and the Toyota staff also introduced their Forklift marketing development in China market at present. The customer paid an all-way visit to the production site this time. Especially, the customer paid more attention to assembly line inspection and unqualified samples area in the assembly workshop and also they watched the chain connection and package process in the EK inspection team.     The visit of purchasing dept from Toyota headquarters is the good beginning of Group company entering the world-class forklift industry. According to the present company target, Donghua leaf chains would come to be the batch supplier of the U.S Toyota and take the LINDE products quality as the standard and then obtained bigger market share in the foreign market. Through the passed two-year effort of Donghua transmission chain dept., Donghua already passed the supervision of Toyota Company, which is also the big turning point of Donghua entering Toyota forklift industry. Meanwhile, this visit also let the customer know about the Donghua strength and manufacturing ability and Donghua should try its best to make the customer more satisfied, beyond their expectation in order to accelerate mutual operation step.  

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