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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

Group company obtained great technology innovation achievements Four high-end products awarded National prize

       A few days ago, the sixth member congress of China mechanical general components and parts industry association was held in Weihai city of Shangdong province and in the meeting, proceeded the general selection, Mr.Xuan bihua was elected as the sixth council vice president again. In the meeting, more than 26 enterprises were awarded Innovation excellent new product certificate. and the chain transmission branch got the letter of commendation of excellent branch,Mr. Lu xiaolin and Mr. Chen Jianzhong obtained the title of excellent branch worker.   The four high-end chain products declared by Group company were entitled as Self-innovation excellent new product and among them, 05BTF2 automobile timing roller chain and PT133F16 with oil cup step chain obtained special award, MC40F28-P-50.8 sugar equipment conveyor chain and 20B-1 high strength step driving chain obtained excellent award, which also are the awards that Donghua continuous obtain in the past ten years in the chain industry. These great honors are not only the important reflections of Donghua continuously carrying out technology innovations and obtained achievements but also the full affirmation and high praise of the leader and technology experts of China general mechanical components and parts industry association and the whole industry for the Donghua great contributions to the China transmission chain advancement. 

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